Rare Disease Day is Here!

🎉Happy #RareDiseaseDay everyone! Today we recognize the millions of people living with #rarediseases and their families, who face unique challenges every day. Rare diseases affect more than 300 million people globally, yet they often go undiagnosed and untreated due to a lack of awareness, research, and funding…

Let’s work together so that this isn’t the future for patients with #MCOPS12 . MCOPS12 is an ultra-rare neurological disease that causes severe and progressive movement disorders, developmental eye defects (often impairing vision) and variable intellectual disability. 

MCOPS12 parents wish for a day where there’s a treatment available for their kids to improve all of these life-altering symptoms. A day where their child can be more independent and be able to make their own mark on this world… 

In honor of #RareDiseaseDay2023 we ask you to #donate and help #spreadawareness about the #raredisease MCOPS12 ! Help us make the impossible, POSSIBLE đź’™

To Donate 👉https://www.gofundme.com/f/seeking-a-cure-for-simon 

#ShowYourRare #Careforrare #lightupforrare #gfm #seekingacureforsimon #showyourstripes

Cure MCOPS12 in collaboration with A Cure for Sophia and Friends have launched a new Crowdfunding Campaign via Classy! Donate TODAY and Be a Champion for a Cure!